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|members=[[War Diantha]]<br>[[War Cynthia]]<br>[[War Steven]]<br>[[War Wallace]]<br>[[War Leon]]<br>[[War Alder]]<br>[[War Lance]]<br>[[War Geeta]]
|allies=[[Bertha]]<br>[[Raw Siebold]]<br>Manager Musrak (formerly)<br>Karsum
|enemies=[[War Malva|Malva]]<br>[[Camera Guy]]<br>[[Microphone Guy]]<br>[[Kathi Lee]]<br>[[Girida]]<br>[[War Diantha]] (briefly)<br>Musrak
The '''War Champions''', or '''War Champs''', are a team of Warmongers. There are eight members of the team: [[War Diantha]], [[War Cynthia]], [[War Steven]], [[War Wallace]], [[War Leon]], [[War Alder]], [[War Lance]], and [[War Geeta]]. After starting without a clear goal besides vague vengeful desires, War Diantha leads the group with the help of the mysterious Manager Musrak for her own gain. After falling out with each other and splitting up on two separate occasions, the group eventually comes together to take down a multiversal threat and learn the value of teamwork or something.

Revision as of 21:20, January 7, 2024

War Champions
Leader War Diantha
Members War Diantha
War Cynthia
War Steven
War Wallace
War Leon
War Alder
War Lance
War Geeta
Allies Bertha
Raw Siebold
Manager Musrak (formerly)
Enemies Malva
Camera Guy
Microphone Guy
Kathi Lee
War Diantha (briefly)

The War Champions, or War Champs, are a team of Warmongers. There are eight members of the team: War Diantha, War Cynthia, War Steven, War Wallace, War Leon, War Alder, War Lance, and War Geeta. After starting without a clear goal besides vague vengeful desires, War Diantha leads the group with the help of the mysterious Manager Musrak for her own gain. After falling out with each other and splitting up on two separate occasions, the group eventually comes together to take down a multiversal threat and learn the value of teamwork or something.


The Team Gathers

Diantha's Warmonger journey begins after some time getting manipulated by her universe's serial killer Cynthia. When Cynthia is about to kill her, Diantha manages to kill Cynthia instead. She starts crying red tears and awakens her Warmonger powers, choosing the Warmonger life and becoming War Diantha. She kills Looker in rage and then instinctively goes through a portal to cross into the multiverse, wishing to start recruiting others into her Warmonger squad.

In a universe where Diantha died in a snowstorm, Cynthia turns to eating ice cream to cure her depression (it makes her drunk for some inexplicable reason). She becomes War Cynthia and fights in a "Hunger Games" event, a battle royale against 47 other people and Pokémon, and manages to win thanks to her icy Warmonger powers that she gradually discovers. She frequents the Multiversal Black Market to purchase her favourite ice cream brand, Casteliocones (a knockoff of Casteliacones made by a Unovan businessman). War Diantha arrives at the Black Market through the portal and the two Warmongers meet. War Cynthia immediately takes a liking to War Diantha, who is initially shaken at encountering another Cynthia. However, War Diantha decides to recruit her due to her powers and find the strongest versions of other Champions to form her squad. First, she contacts Bertha from War Cynthia's universe to be their squad manager.

After this, they visit a universe in which Steven Stone has lost interest in Cynthia and has a crush on Wallace. All seems to be going well for him until his father, Joseph Stone, dislikes that Steven is bi and secretly sends an assassin to kill Wallace. When learning of the coordinator's death, Steven investigates and discovers that it was his own father 😱 so he becomes War Steven and accidentally uses his newfound Warmonger powers and it hurts his dad (possibly killing him but Steven doesn't find out if he died). He is then recruited as the third War Champion.

To console War Steven they look for a Wallace next and find themselves in the Distortion World. War Cynthia befriends the Giratina (who can speak to humans but strangely) and makes a pact with it. It helps them find Wallace who has been fused with his Milotic and will soon die due to a failed de-fusion attempt. The activation of his Warmonger powers saves him and he becomes War Wallace (still a Milotic). He joins the crew and quickly befriends War Steven (the only one who can understand his trills).

During the team's travels, they frequently run into Malva, Diantha's evil ex, and her crew (Camera Guy, Microphone Guy, and Kathi Lee). Malva mistakes War Diantha for the Diantha from her own universe and tries to get revenge on her by attacking and ridiculing her. As such, the two groups become enemies, though the War Champs always triumph.

The next recruit is War Leon, who came from a universe in which he was a fraud who used cheap, underhanded battle strategies to defeat his opponents.

In a universe where the Champions were stuck on an island in lockdown, everyone's mistreatment of Alder leads to him becoming War Alder and trying to get his revenge, but he accidentally kills them all in the process. The arrival of the War Champs saves him from being stranded on the island and he is recruited as the sixth member. The team generally dislikes him for being annoying but keep him around due to his great physical strength.

In another universe, Lance goes through a great depression when accused of table theft, feeling hurt that people thought he could be responsible despite him seeing himself as such an honourable person. When visiting the Dragon's Den in Blackthorn City for guidance, it comes under attack from some renegade ex-Team Rocket members and ends up getting burnt down, killing his friend Clair and others. He becomes War Lance and is the only one who escapes the fire thanks to his draconic Warmonger powers, with which he destroys the attackers. He also gains the Warmonger power of time travel (only affecting the universe it is used in), but this power is unstable and he loses it after using it for the first time. He travels some years into the future, when the Indigo League had fallen apart without him, and he is distraught. However, he encounters the War Champs looking to recruit him, and he joins as the next member, feeling that there is nothing else left for him now.

After a mysterious assailant drops a nuke on the Paldea region, almost all of the people and Pokémon in the region are killed. However, Geeta survives by activating her Warmonger powers to create a shield just in time, becoming War Geeta and gaining the powers of all of the deceased spirits. Seeking to avenge all of the people and Pokémon of Paldea and stop more destruction like this from occuring where she can, she travels through a portal.

After several defeats, Malva and her crew have had enough and sic the dangerous universe-hopping mercenary Girida on the War Champs, hoping to finally defeat them. A fight ensues at the Black Market, but just when the War Champs are almost defeated, they are saved by War Geeta. Teaming up with her, they manage to defeat Girida, something no one has ever been known to do before. War Diantha finally kills Malva and discards her body in some remote universe, ending their rivalry, and War Geeta is recruited as the eighth and final War Champion.

Some time later, Malva wakes up, having actually managed to survive, and begins her Warmonger transformation. However, it is cut short, as the mysterious entity responsible for the Warmongers decides there are already enough, and Malva dies for real.

New Management

They start a War Staryubucks for sidequests and additional income for their plans (War Diantha won’t tell them exactly what the plans are but they keep stealing research from various universes) Their goal is unknown to everyone except Manager Musrak and War Diantha. The stolen parts are actually so that War Diantha can build the True Ultimate Weapon which is capable of destroying parts of multiverses.

Bertha ends up a bad manager and after a while they demote to just Staryubucks manager, while Manager Musrak (mysterious dude) becomes the new manager after they gain his attention by completing their team.

Several missions to gain pieces of the True Ultimate Weapon ensue, including one kept by Ash.The War Champions go undercover as their regular selves to attempt to steal the piece as they can’t kill Ash- he’s Arceus’ ‘Chosen One’ in this Universe.

Another mission takes the form of them walking over grass at one point and War Diantha's like "huh this is pretty thematically inconsistent there's no grass anywhere else here" to which War Cynthia explains it's actually Lawn, the final form of Lucas and Dawn, and War Diantha’s like “Cynthia what the fuck are you talking about” Once defeated by the War Splats Karsum uses the last of his power to create new Warmonger powers which are given to 8 people in dire circumstances, because edginess enhances war powers. He then goes into hiding for a while. END NEEDED

The Dark Aether

Eventually the War Champions defeat Karsum they re-curse him back to the Dark Aether where he belongs. All about the True Ultimate Weapon plan is revealed, and the pieces are shattered as wd discards the plan. With Karsum sealed back into the Dark Aether, War Diantha who bonded with and sees good in him feels guilty for her actions and sneaks off to go there with him, leaving the other War Champions are conflicted on whether to rescue her. War Cynthia, War Alder, War Steven, Warllace attempt to rescue War Diantha, whereas the other three leave as they no longer care for the team.

The Tumourruption