War Champions

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War Champions
Leader War Diantha
Members War Diantha
War Cynthia
War Steven
War Wallace
War Leon
War Alder
War Lance
War Geeta
Allies Bertha
Raw Siebold
Manager Musrak (formerly)
Enemies Malva
War Diantha (briefly)

The War Champions, or War Champs, are a team of Warmongers. There are eight members of the team: War Diantha, War Cynthia, War Steven, War Wallace, War Leon, War Alder, War Lance, and War Geeta. After starting without a clear goal besides vague vengeful desires, War Diantha leads the group with the help of the mysterious Manager Musrak for her own gain. After falling out with each other and splitting up on two separate occasions, the group eventually comes together to take down a multiversal threat and learn the value of teamwork or something.


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The Team Gathers

New Management

The Dark Aether

The Tumourruption