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War Geeta, wishing to prevent other universes from facing the same fate as her Paldea, has been working with several organisations that aim to help save universes from corruption (a fully corrupted universe is uninhabitable and impossible to save, but partial corruption can be reversed). As such, War Geeta is spending a lot of time in dangerous universes with high levels of corruption, as high as 90% (her powers protect her from the dangerous, potentially lethal effects that spending too long in a corrupted universe can have). The War Champs look for her by following signals that War Steven is recieving from rocks, and they have a hard time travelling through highly corrupted universes, often being attacked by strange organisms that thrive in corrupted environments such as [[corruptorat]]s. They end up being glad that War Alder stayed with the team due to his usefulness as bait.
Eventually, the team finds War Geeta in a roughly 80% corrupted universe, and she is surprised to see them again. Remembering what happened with War Lance, they decide to not tell her that they are still trying to rescue War Diantha, instead claiming that they have turned over a new leaf and need her to open a rift in order to save a corrupted universe. She agrees to rejoin the team to help them, but only after saving the universe they are currently in from corruption. After several days of the War Champions working together with an anti-corruption agency, they manage to remove the corruption (mostly thanks to War Geeta's using her powers while the others fend off corruptorats, [[corruptosquid]], etc.) and the team leaves to look for the rift by finding more rocks in other universes.
WithHaving narrowed it down to about five possible universes left where the rift could be, the War Champions enter a slightly corrupted universe wherecovered they findby a huge, constantly dark, mostly abandoned city. They run into War Leon and offer for him to rejoin the team, but they find that he has amnesia, with no memory of being in the team and no idea what a Warmonger is. He offers them some of his substances and War Alder excitedly accepts. Gunshots are suddenly heard and War Leon runs off, remembering that he is currently running from a criminal biker gang led by his #1 rival [[Raihan]] (the other members being [[Milo]], [[Nessa]], [[Bea]], [[Allister]], [[Gordie]], [[Bede]], and [[Piers]]), and War Alder runs after him for more of his substances. The other War Champs don't want to waste time and continue searching the universe, but they are unable to find any clean enough rock samples to look for the rift and are repeatedly interrupted by the ongoing chase, during which War Alder quickly becomes loyal to War Leon and begins helping him out. Eventually, War Steven gets pissed at the constant interruptions and generates a rock to smack War Leon in the head, which somehow restores his memory, and he recalls that his amnesia began earlier when he was dropped off a building by Raihan. War Leon remembers his Warmonger powers and teams up with War Alder (who is performing better than he ever has before) to defeat the biker gang. War Leon apologises to the team for the trouble he caused and tells them he saw the rift in another nearby universe, though he doesn't remember exactly where as he is bad at directions. War Leon decides to rejoin the team, along with War Alder, who has mostly forgotten their original mission and is simply following War Leon.
The team explores the last few universes where the rift could be, looking for rock signals. They find a derelict version of the artificial island [[Pasio]] where researchers are attempting to bring back Pokémon battles by mass cloning powerful Pokémon Trainers by using DNA samples, but the clones are all made of a gooey substance and are far inferior to the originals, having strange appearances and zombie-like behaviour. While looking for natural rocks (which are hard to come by here), the War Champs encounter the cloning scientists, who want their DNA samples to make clones of them. War Steven detects rocks in the water, so he sends Warllace to retrieve them while the others fight off the army of clones. Warllace encounters [[Giovanni]], another multiverse traveller, and the two fight over the sync stones on the seabed. Warllace defeats him and brings the sync stones to War Steven, and because they are more powerful than normal stones, they allow him to pinpoint the exact location of the rift. However, the group finds that their pieces of the True Ultimate Weapon don't work here due to island-wide technology that automatically deactivates the ultimate weapon (originally installed by [[Lear]] just in case [[Lysandre]] tried to use it), preventing them from leavingmaking witha itportal to leave. Instead, they have to dive underwater and escape through a portal that Giovanni left behind, but the clones chase after them. The clones melt into goo and speed up upon entering the water, but the War Champs narrowly manage to escape thanks to War Geeta's shields.
At long last, the team finally arrives at where the rift was, but it has since closed. They have War Geeta reopen the rift for them, though she is somewhat skeptical as there is no corruption here. After seeing the Dark Aether on the other side, War Geeta realises she was being lied to again and is hurt. The others try to claim that this was all an honest mistake, only for War Alder to blurt out that they were looking for someone called Dimantha or something. War Geeta and War Leon are both upset and angry, as they thought that they had given up on War Diantha for good reason, and War Geeta accuses them of being just as bad as herWar Diantha for stringing herthem along with lies. After a big argument, War Geeta ditches the squad again but begrudgingly leaves the rift open, while War Leon leaves to find a better team and War Alder follows him, leaving only War Cynthia, War Steven, and Warllace, who all enter the Dark Aether.
The remaining trio of War Champs enter the Dark Aether through the rift, knowing that they now only have a limited time before it closes again due to War Geeta's departure. They soon find War Diantha, who is pleasantly surprised to see them again, especially War Cynthia. War Diantha offers for them to live together in the Dark Aether, confusing them as their plan was to bring her back out, having assumed her going there originally was an accident. She explains that she deliberately sent herself there in order to follow Karsum, who turns out to be a misunderstood nice guy. She takes them to see Karsum and they all make amends with each other. Karsum is unable to leave the Dark Aether due to his curse but doesn't want to leave anyway, and he explains that he has an ability he doesn't usually use (as he never had any friends before) that lets him bring people from other universes into the Dark Aether (which would've made this a whole lot shorter if he had used it earlier but oh well), and he demonstrates by teleporting War Lance (mid-TCG tournament) onto the scene, to his shock and anger. War Diantha wants to stay with Karsum in the Dark Aether, forcing the others to choose between staying in the Dark Aether with them or leaving them behind.
In the end, War Cynthia and War Diantha want to stay together, so War Cynthia decides to stay in the Dark Aether and live with War Diantha and Karsum. They bid farewell to War Steven, Warllace, and War Lance, who leave through the rift, which closes soon after. After dropping War Lance off at his TCG tournament (he ends up winning and continues his reign as the TCG Champion), War Steven and Warllace decide to find War Geeta again and help her with her mission to save corrupted universes. They manage to find her and, after apologising, explaining the full story, and making amends, they become a trio dedicated to un-corrupting universes. Meanwhile, War Leon and War Alder stick together as a duo and go on wacky adventures, with their attempts to find a better team only resulting in them making enemies and getting into fights. War Alder, his personality and worldview having changed since he started taking War Leon's substances, finally realises that his old friends hated him, but he doesn't blame them for it (also he becomes an author or something).
And they all lived happily ever after. For a while anyway.
===The Tumourruption===
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